How Do We Treat Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

EMF protection to limit EHS

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that one experiences after exposure to weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs). You can develop electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a result of longterm usage of EMF gadgets. Such gadgets include tablets, laptops, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, and TV. Because of our daily exposure to these, it is essential we learn how to use […]

Dr. Mercola EMF*D and the Threats of 5G! Book Review

5G EMF exposure

Dr. Mercola EMF*D: 5G Wi-Fi and Cell: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself – Book Review It is no news that the impact of 5G, and therefore the 5G EMF exposure, is on the rise and threatening our health. Moreover, with the arrival of the 5G network, everything from EMF exposure to forever changing […]

TOP 5 EMF Protection Christmas Gifts & Gift Ideas 2019

Christmas EMF protection gift

Christmas Gifts & Gift Ideas 2019 Get ready to make the perfect Christmas gifts EMF protection list and put your health first! Let’s face it, you just spent a whole year suffering harmful EMF exposure, without even knowing it. Probably the cause for all your unexplained headaches and mood swings, EMF exposure is everywhere you […]

Pros and Cons of Using Lava Tourmaline Pendants for EMF Protection

black tourmaline pendants

Background. Electromagnetic fields, commonly known as EMF, are damaging to the human body. It is for this reason why people need protection from it. With society embracing the changes, especially the innovation of technology nowadays, we left our children and ourselves exposed to the potential risks of machines and tools. This leaves us more vulnerable […]

Celebrities Using/Endorsing Lava Tourmaline Pendants

black tourmaline protection

The earliest references to the use of crystals in history come from the ancient Sumerians. They believed that these crystals have properties that promote healing. However, black tourmaline protection has only recently become a popular method to protect our health. Stephanie Lynn Nicks, an American singer, sang a song entitled “Dreams”. In it, she talked […]

Simple Tips to Protect Us from EMF

emf health protection

EMF is the abbreviation for Electromagnetic Fields. There are electric and magnetic fields that occur naturally; the sun, the earth, and even our bodies have their own EMFs. But, wherever there is EMF, there is a need for EMF health protection, too. Relating to this article, note that EMFs do not refer to the natural […]

What You Need to Know About EMFs?

Phone EMF protection

In the ever-changing world we live in today, we witnessed the birth of many technological advancements. Together with these, we also saw the invention of facilities, equipment, machines, and devices. People really love technology. From making calls to enjoying the addictive world of Facebook, many of us are attached to our screens. The digital world is […]

EMF Protection Accessories that Children Can Wear at School

emf protection accessories

How protected is your child? With the advancement of technology comes a great deal of risk to human beings, especially to children. The danger with radiation from technologies that we are enjoying today is that they are undetectable with our naked eyes. Long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) radiation is a potential harm to our […]

Negative Ion Bracelets: The 5 Health Benefits You Never Knew!

Negative ion bracelets

As odd as it may sound, not all negative things in the world are bad. When it comes to ions, negative ions provide an array of positive effects. Because of this reason, more and more people show interest in wearing negative ion bracelets. Luckily, recent technological breakthroughs have allowed negative ion bracelets similar wearable products […]