How to Reduce WiFi EMF Radiation Exposure?

WiFi EMF Radiation

Wi-Fi is considered to pose risks to one’s overall health. Various accounts and researches verify the hazardous effects of WiFi EMF radiation. Even more, a study by Akdag et al.,2016 showed that prolonged frequencies attributed to Wi-Fi device exposure induce DNA damage to rat tissues. Another research by Avenado et al.,2012 found out that usage […]

Dr. Mercola EMF*D and the Threats of 5G! Book Review

5G EMF exposure

Dr. Mercola EMF*D: 5G Wi-Fi and Cell: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself – Book Review It is no news that the impact of 5G, and therefore the 5G EMF exposure, is on the rise and threatening our health. Moreover, with the arrival of the 5G network, everything from EMF exposure to forever changing […]

Does EMF protection really work? Top 20 Q&A about the 5G era

best emf protection certified product

These days, EMF radiation can be found almost everywhere you turn– in smartphones, computers, Wifi routers, microwaves, and many other appliances. While people don’t see the dangers of EMF, constant exposure may affect your immunity. For this reason, people are looking for the best EMF protection products that can help protect them from EMF radiation. […]

How to Protect Children from Harmful EMF

The electromagnetic field (EMFs) is a kind of radiation that comes from technology. The more exposed someone is in it, the more likely he will be susceptible to health risks. It is also the case with children. In fact, children are more prone to getting health risks as their thinner bones and skulls make them […]

Effects of EMF on our ecosystem

Nowadays, due to the growth of too much wireless communication, there has been an increase in electrosmog. In this post, you will get to know how the EMF effects ecosystem. The release of different types of waves including radio frequency disrupts the insects and bird orientation and this interferes with the primary processes of Magnetoreception. […]

Emf Exposure Health Risks And Protection Related To Electromagnetic Field

EMF exposure in our everyday lives Nowadays all of us have EMF exposure throughout the day. Due to environmental exposure to electromagnetic fields has been consistently expanding as growing electricity demand, ever-advancing technology and changes in social conduct have created more and more artificial sources. Everybody is presented with a complex mix of weak electric […]