Water purification with shungite – Protects old people from several diseases:

Water purification with shungite

Water purification with shungite: Shungite can purify water from almost all organic matter (including petroleum derivatives and pesticides), bacteria and microorganisms. Fullerenes in an aqueous solution acquire catalytic properties, helping the oxidation of active chemical compounds. Clean and soft water from the depths of Lake Onega in Karelia. It meets all strict hygiene requirements. One […]

Does EMF Impact Your Reproductive Health?

EMF and the Reproductive Health: Risks, and Safety Tips!

EMF and the reproductive health- is there more to the risks than meet the eyes? Here is how EMF exposure threatens your health, impacting everything from your mental to your emotional and physical wellbeing! Technology has become one of the most significant inventions of men- it has helped us save lives and connect with people.  […]

Does WiFi Radiation Affect Sleep?

WiFi radiation affects sleep

Do you have a WiFi router at home? If so, are you aware that WiFi radiation affects sleep in a deteriorating way? Have you noticed any changes in your sleep cycle when using WiFi? If yes, you are one of the four billion people in the world who suffer long-term WiFi radiation exposure. As per […]

Limit Radiation Exposure with EMF Protection

The world today is getting more dependent on the devices that bring us information. The more information we get, the more we use them. However, with this use, you also expose yourself to daily radiation. But, are there ways to limit exposure with EMF protection? The methods of most information transmissions include the traditional (and stable!) […]

 How to Reduce WiFi EMF Radiation Exposure?

WiFi EMF Radiation

Wi-Fi is considered to pose risks to one’s overall health. Various accounts and researches verify the hazardous effects of WiFi EMF radiation. Even more, a study by Akdag et al.,2016 showed that prolonged frequencies attributed to Wi-Fi device exposure induce DNA damage to rat tissues. Another research by Avenado et al.,2012 found out that usage […]

How Do We Treat Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

EMF protection to limit EHS

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition that one experiences after exposure to weak electromagnetic fields (EMFs). You can develop electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a result of longterm usage of EMF gadgets. Such gadgets include tablets, laptops, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, and TV. Because of our daily exposure to these, it is essential we learn how to use […]

How Can WiFi Affect Brain Function?

According to recent studies on the brain, there are many brain side-effects of WiFi and EMF. Many of these negative effects have been found in the polarized electromagnetic frequencies in WiFi radio waves that are deteriorative to the brain. As Wi-Fi connectivity is a staple internet channel worldwide, the chances of neuro-cellular degeneration are high. […]

 Should You Worry About WiFi and EMF Radiation?

WiFI and EMF radiation

WiFi and EMF radiation are highly complex subjects to understand, considering the stigma surrounding both. Although it has already been documented in many academic resources, it seems that the details are still mystifying. That’s until yesterday, at least. This is because, nowadays, you will build a more sensitive understanding about it, alongside the nuts and […]

Side-Effects of EMF Exposure: How Serious Is It?

side-effects of EMF exposure

It’s no secret that in these recent years, technology has become a staple in our daily lives. From the early morning unto the wee hours of the night, we mostly rely on technology to lessen our workload and relief. However, balance exists in everything. While we enjoy the fruits of technological advancement, we also experience […]

Is 5G Technology a Threat to Human Kind?

health threats of 5G

Due to technological advancements, the 5G network now delivers ultra-low latency, better data speeds, and a more reliable connection. But, with it, science is certain there are numerous health threats of 5G to take into consideration as well. Despite the vast improvement in network performance compared to the last network upgrade, 5G is not a […]