Testimonies on the positive effects of magnetic protection bracelets to the body are bound to get your interest. But unfortunately, magnetic therapy is not for everyone. While these magnets have the power to heal, improve blood circulation, speed up cellular metabolism, they are not beneficial for all energies. To determine whether magnetic bracelets are for […]
Over the years, the fight between magnetic bracelets and electronic gadgets has been threatening our health. What are the reasons for us to be terrified? The are many claims about computers and watches that stopped working with a magnetic bracelet nearby. Can magnets really wreak havoc on our computers? Magnet-based bracelets emit static magnetic fields […]
Magnet bracelets have surely piqued your curiosity. These stylish hoops have recently taken the alternative medicine world by storm. Not only are magnet bracelets fashionable but these promise powerful health benefits. Not a new technology at all, therapy magnets are as ancient as the Egyptian pyramids. On the heels of the popularity of magnet bracelets, […]
Magnetic Therapy : 5 secrets about magnetic bracelets Magnetic bracelets are surging in popularity nowadays for their healing powers and positive effects to the general well-being of their users. These could be our non-invasive magic bullet that answers our most pressing medical woes. You can now find metals and minerals with magnetic properties fitted in accessories […]