You probably have heard of the dangers of electromagnetic force or EMF into one’s health. There are discussions about its harmful effects and risks on our wellbeing. As technology progresses, the chance of being exposed to different sources of EMFs are also increasing. As an existing health threat, EMF exposure demands an immediate EMF protection […]
One of the most common appliances found in every household is a refrigerator. Ever since it was invented, it helped many families and households store their food and cool their drinks. Nowadays, fridges gain more momentum by being labeled as one of the potential household EMF sources. While decades have passed since its first release […]
Electromagnetic fields have become more abundant. the effects of EMF on one’s health may not be too obvious, safety measures should still be upheld. To limit the EMF sources effects, here is everything you need to know on the subject. What are the Most Powerful EMF Sources at Home? 1. Computers. Sadly, despite the enormous […]
Of course, we all have electronic and electric equipment inside our homes because these are modern times and these devices make our lives easier. However, when the electronic or electric equipment is used, it starts emitting EMF/EMR (electromagnetic fields, or electromagnetic radiation) either low frequency or high frequency. Despite the fact that we’re constantly using […]