Black tourmaline is popular for its amazing benefits such as EMF protection and protection from negative energies. Some people use it to protect themselves, whether it is in the form of black tourmaline jewelry or a crystal. By simply placing it below their lampshades or around their houses and offices, many have managed to get […]
For starters, the black tourmaline stone, also known as Schorl, is a powerful gemstone with countless benefits to individuals who have it. That said, many people prefer to harvest in benefits by performing a black tourmaline cleansing of the body and mind. Many people have experienced how the stone, which usually comes in a black […]
Background. You can see a lot of black tourmaline for sale everywhere, but what is it? What is it used for? And, most importantly, are there any black tourmaline health benefits? Black tourmaline is a semi-precious stone used in many pieces of jewelry, but its uses exceeds being simply decorative. Aside from that, there are […]