3 Benefits of Forgiveness According to Research

scientific forgiveness benefits

A simple misunderstanding with your boss, betrayal by a close friend at work, and an argument with your colleague – these are some instances in which other people may hurt you or offend you. Learning the art of forgiveness in business is good not just for you but also for the people around you. Practicing compassion and forgiveness in the workplace helps in improving your overall well-being. Therefore, it might be interesting to learn that there are many scientific forgiveness benefits, boosting your personal and business lives. 

As some people say, forgiveness is easier said than done. This is indeed true. Of course, how can you easily forgive someone who has done you wrong? But come to think of it, what does holding grudges against others offer you? The answer is none. In fact, studies say that not letting go of your anger causes you pain, and it is bad for your health.

3 Scientific Forgiveness Benefits

Instilling in our hearts the essence of forgiveness not only strengthens our relationship with others but it is also beneficial for our body and the brain.

As the years pass by, research studies on forgiveness have been conducted and gathered pieces of evidence shows that letting go of your resentments and forgiving has a great impact on your health.

In here, we have listed all scientific forgiveness benefits.

  • Forgiveness reduces stress levels

Having that feeling of resentment towards a person who caused you pain causes stress. This resentment makes you short-tempered, anxious, irritable, and unable to focus.

According to a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology (2016, Vol.21), one factor to minimize stress is to forgive. Forgiveness releases negative emotions and behaviors, thus promoting better mental health.

Once compassion and forgiveness in the workplace are embraced, you are also embracing hope, peace, and gratitude among your colleagues. This, in turn, will be beneficial for the success of the organization.

  • Forgiveness improves relationships

Forgiving someone after a hurtful event means giving up the feeling of resentment and choosing kindness and compassion. One research study states that forgiveness promotes a healthy relationship within the workplace.

Once you practice forgiveness in business, you will realize that you are already building a harmonious interpersonal relationship with your co-workers. You give chance for old relationships to grow and allow new relationships to enter.

Also, forgiveness encourages loyalty and trust in everyone and this kind of attitude can contribute to the success of the company.

  • Forgiveness keeps your heart healthy and prolongs life

According to a study, forgiveness lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Encouraging forgiveness in business relaxes the heart and keeps you calm. As a result, it evens out our heart rate and drops blood pressure.

Another 2011 study confirming the scientific forgiveness benefits states that people who practice unconditional forgiveness live longer. In other words, people who choose to substitute negative emotions into a positive one are likely to benefit them. This emotional shifting makes them feel lighter and better and live a longer life.

Practicing compassion and forgiveness in the workplace strengthens our heart because we tend to be more relaxed and less anxious. Letting go of anger and grief strengthens our immune system and gives us more energy to perform the necessary tasks needed for the success of the company.

How do you forgive?

Forgiveness is a process, and it does not occur overnight. For some people, it may not be easy to do. But how do you go to forgiving?

  • When we are hurt, acknowledge that feeling and commit to doing something about it.
  • Instead of focusing on the person who caused you pain, identify the offensive behavior. Try to view the situation from the offender’s perspective.
  • Accept the pain without the thought of passing it to others.
  • This would be difficult but try to seek forgiveness instead of holding a grudge.
  • Think about on what you will gain from keeping resentment as opposed to letting it go. Write it down. This is enough way to begin the process of forgiving.
  • Choose to be in control. Think of the benefit you can get from forgiving. Example, “I choose to forgive to find healing and to move on with my life.”
  • Extend goodwill to the offender by wishing that person well.
  • Find a lesson on the situation. Use the pain you feel to help you become wiser and stronger.

Mistakes are inevitable and the concept of forgiveness may be difficult to embrace. Keep in mind though that, we forgive not just for others but also for you.

The scientific forgiveness benefits are able to help to rebuild your self-esteem. When we forgive, we offer goodness to others and in that way, we also change the way on how we view ourselves. As Robert Muller once said; “To forgive is the highest and beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” When we forgive, we find healing in our life. Forgiveness is also the way to our inner freedom. So, the next time someone upsets you, find your freedom. Learn to forgive.