Why Prayers Work: The Science, Psychology, and Metaphysics Behind It

Prayer effects

Believers get strength from a Higher Being through prayer. For others, prayer effects mean paying close attention to the choices they make. They will also strive to make their choices to actions. Most people would ask how to pray effectively, and many would question if prayer for business is effective.

Prayer is used to invoke a power that is beyond us to answer petitions. But how do prayers work?

The Science of Prayer Effects

For many years, prayer has always been a subject for debate. Others pray for guidance, help, or forgiveness. It is the practice where a person conforms his mind to the perfection of someone or something higher than him and strive to manifest such perfection. Most of the time, prayer comes with a certain emotion and action. It includes either begging, imploring, or blind faith.

A study conducted by Michaela Wanke and Professor Malt Friese indicates that the power of prayer scientific study is wide. Prayer grants non-believers the ability to also pray. According to them, it is not only a social connection to some external ego or being but an interaction with one’s mind as well. The study also indicates that a person who prays have increased endurance and resistance against what believers call temptation. Prayer makes you more self-aware of the actions that you will make. By repeating a series of words like prayers, you put yourself in a meditative state.

One of the studies conducted at the San Francisco General Hospital, patients who were prayed for had a lower need for intensive care. The study showed the different effects of prayer on the brain. It also showed the states of consciousness of those who were prayed for and those who prayed. According to this study, the consciousness of both the patient and the person praying for them are connected emotionally. The petitioners are not sending a plea but a resolution that takes on many shapes.

  • The Psychology of Prayer

There are many psychological effects of prayer. It influences and advice the brain to a state of meditation. Prayer takes on many shapes in different religions. For religions in the west like Christianity and Judaism, the petitioner prays to some higher form of being outside of humanity. Meanwhile, major religions in the east like Taoism and Buddhism reflect on their inner consciousness in a form similar to meditation. Many would ask how to pray, but there is no concrete or correct way to do it. It is simply putting your mind in a meditative state.

Prayer influences the state of your psyche, which will affect the condition of your body. By influencing your mind, you can change the way you see and experience the world around you. Furthermore, it will change the way you think and how you make your decisions. In short, prayer changes your behavior patterns.

Prayer in any tradition has one thing in common– it is a form of blessing. It is when it becomes something that is focused on oneself and one’s request to receive what one is asking for. It gives a person a sense of not being isolated, which, in turn, gives him a sense of comfort.

  • The Metaphysics Behind Prayer

Have you ever tried talking to someone about something that bothers you? Did you feel better? Did you gain insight that you have not realized before? Talking about a problem allows you to break down the blocks in your innermost thoughts. This is the same with prayer effects. You will experience a reciprocal resonance between you and those you are praying for. Reciprocal resonance means mutual dependence, which results in influencing an external existence.

Prayer leads you to consider the influence you have both on yourself and those around you. This explains the power of prayer for business. The person can reflect on the individual and shared experience in the community around him. The community can be either the home or the workplace. Furthermore, prayer effects apply to all religions. For example, an Islamite prostrates himself to the east, a Confucianist throws sticks, and a Christian kneels in front of the altar. All of these relate to physical patterns of behavior like bowing of the head, kneeling, and closing the eyes which help induce meditation.


Prayer effects are best used in an everyday practice. There might not be a standard form of how to pray, but everyone understands its fundamentals. Whether it is a prayer for business, for yourself, or for others, you can experience its effects.  It works by establishing a connection with yourself, others, and a higher being. Prayer effects act like a portable listening ear that you can use anywhere and anytime. It induces positive feelings which, in turn, reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

Those who pray regularly achieve a sense of inner peace. At the same time, those who use prayer effects to the best of their abilities will also heal differently than those who do not. Be that as it may, the reason people pray is it makes people feel good which will help keep the body healthy. A person who prays will become more open to the vulnerability of believing that all his prayers have an answer coming along.