5 Fitness Rules You’re Allowed to Break During Practice

fitness rules

When it comes to exercising, everyone seems to love fitness rules. These rules differ, depending on what are expecting from fitness altogether. While traditional fitness rules apply for some, for others, they make no sense. Today, we are faced with countless ‘how-to’ fitness advice, but we’re somehow still uncertain how it all works. Should you have breakfast? Should you not? Is there such a thing as the perfect time to do fitness? Well, to answer these doubts, we have compiled a list of 5 fitness rules that you are actually allowed to break. Let’s dig into it, shall we?

5 Fitness Rules You Can Break While Practicing
  1. Avoid Failure While Training

If fitness meant no failure, there would be no success. It’s as simple as that. As a beginner, fitness allows you to move your body in a way that works for you the best. Of course, no one expects you to triumph on your first try. Failure makes part of the process of adopting fitness in your everyday life. Therefore, allow yourself some time to learn. Do not be afraid to make a mistake. Do not be afraid to fail. Fitness is supposed to make you stronger, and without fail, you’ll only acquire an unhealthy perception about your body.

A useful tip: To accept failure better, rely on the AMAP (as many as possible) rule. During your final set of exercising, try to push your body to do as many reps as it can take. Still, be mindful and try not to over-exhaust your body.

  1. Steer Clear of Salt

We have constantly been told that salt is no good for our health. However, salt contains plenty of favorable compounds that actually improve your workout. As a healthy salt option, you can always choose Himalayan or sea salt. And if that doesn’t change your mind, studies might. According to extensive research, salt was not among the most health-threatening substances to consume. As long as you keep hydrated and exercise accordingly, salt will not be your enemy.

A useful tip: When you work out, your body loses salt. Therefore, you need to compensate for lost electrolytes and salt thereafter.

  1. Bigger Meals Boost the Metabolism

Well, not quite. The quantity of food you consume means very little when compared to the quality of food you eat. If you boost or force your eating cycles, you are likely to develop an eating problem. Therefore, stop starving or overfeeding your body. Instead, be wary of what foods you eat and when you eat them.

A useful tip: The best way to lose weight and still remain healthy is through intermittent fasting. With this, you will have two meals per day, but will still witness amazing results.

  1. Push Yourself to the Limit

Someone said there’s no gain if there’s no pain, and everyone bought it. But, this is not how all of it works. Among all fitness rules, this might be the most absurd one yet. The body is very sensitive to stress, or the lack thereof. If you teach your organism to stress out when it cannot lose weight, it will do so obediently. But, for the long run, this could indicate a number of health issues. Try to give yourself time to recover from your workout routine. Do pauses between sets and allow your heart rate to stabilize. In such a way, your bones, muscles and bodily functions will have the chance to perform ideally.

  1. No Cardio Exercises When Bulking

Some are certain that cardio training wastes the muscle strength in vain. Not true at all. Many experts actually agreed on something totally different. Slower and more engaging cardio can drastically improve your health while bulking. Cardio prevents excessive fats from building up. It also allows your body to expand its capabilities. In such a way, cardio gives you a way to shape your body without losing your strength. So, go ahead and do your cardio when bulking – it works!

Breaking these fitness rules is not a catastrophic move. To the contrary, ignoring these rules can drastically improve the quality of exercise you get, leaving you happy, strong and healthy.