Business Problems Prayer That Helps You Relieve Work Stress

business problems prayer

According to the American Institute of Stress, there are more than 70% of people regularly experiencing physical and psychological symptoms of stress. To reduce these symptoms and help you cope up with stress, various pharmaceutical companies and meditation gurus propose different solutions. But do you know that there is such a thing as business problems prayer to reduce stress? Well, there is, and it’s quite remarkable as well. 

What Happens When You’re Under Stress

There are different triggers of stress. According to surveys, job pressure tops the list. This is then followed by money problems. When you face stressors such as these, your body experiences hormonal, cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system changes. Your heart will beat faster; you’ll start sweating, and breathing becomes rapid. Chemical changes in the body happen because it thinks it’s under attack.

The best way to reduce stress is to remove the stressors. However, that is not always plausible. Thus, people try to find alternatives.

According to the National Health Service, some of the ways you can address stress are to (1) connect with a good support network; (2) take some time to relax by yourself; (3) be positive; and (4) accept things that you can’t change. All of these can be witnessed through various business problems prayer benefits.

Business Problems Prayer Benefits: How a Prayer Can Help Relieve Stress

In a book published by Dr. Roberta Lee, she says that people who are more in touch with their spirituality can cope with life better. They heal faster and can cope with stress more easily. In other words, when you say a prayer for peace of mind and guidance, you’ll be able to see improvements in your health and wellbeing.

This notion by Dr. Roberta Lee is supported by several studies including that done with the National Institute for Health Care Research or NIHR. In their study, it was found that college students who were in contact with the campus ministry visited doctors less often than those who don’t. Moreover, they were also under less stress during the most difficult times in school. Students who had strong religious beliefs also had more positive emotions and lower levels of depression.

You might wonder exactly how does learning how to pray makes a person better in handling stress. You will understand the answer to this question once you know the different benefits of prayer and religion.

  • Expanding social network

A feeling of interconnectedness can allow you to release control. Most of the time, the feeling of responsibility is too heavy of a burden– something that you can’t carry alone. However, once you share this burden with other people, the lesser the burden will feel. You’ll realize that you don’t have to be accountable for everything. This will give you great relief, especially if you have a job or business that gives you high pressure.

Feeling interconnected with a higher being and people who believe in that same being can expand your social network. In other words, faith can be the building block for relationships. This kind of relationship is often characterized as supportive and close. After all, faith brings people together by giving them a common goal– to adhere to all tenets of a religion. As you build stronger relationships with people of the same religion, the more your faith strengthens and vice versa.

When you say a prayer for anxiety relief, you tap into a great source of comfort and relief because it gives you the feeling that you will not bear the burden alone. People who feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to or rely on usually ends up lonelier and more stressed.

  • Finding a sense of purpose

Many self-help experts usually advise people not to sweat the small things. But the problem is: What is considered small and unimportant? It seems highly subjective. What one person finds valuable may not be as important for another.

Spirituality encourages you to look within yourself and make an inventory of things that you consider valuable. It through prayers that you can discover what’s the most important to you. For instance, if you always find yourself using many business problems prayer benefits, then your company might be one of the most valuable things that you have. Recognizing what matters to you will help you focus your energy and attention on issues that surround them. Prayer leads to action, which, in turn, leads to the solution of the problem and the elimination of the stressor.

  • Practicing optimism

Putting your trust in a Higher Being is one way that you can practice optimism. In a study conducted by Ai AL,, it was found that private prayer fostered optimism, often resulting in better health. How is this possible? When you trust on a Higher Being, you feel like all outcomes are possible. This gives you hope and strengthens your positive outlook in life. As a result, you will feel less stress and enjoy better emotional health.

Prayers for stress and strength acknowledge and reinforce your belief on the benevolence of a Higher Being. With this, you gain positive outcomes from your prayers. Additionally, you are more and more likely to resort to praying during challenging times. This promotes a positive cycle of asking for help via prayer and expressing gratitude through prayer.

  • Promoting better health

When experts say that a prayer for stress and anxiety can lead to improved health, they mean to include tangible mental and physical results.

When you expand your social network through shared faith, you have more opportunities to take part in activities that will improve your physical health. After all, it’s easier to be active when you’re with a partner or a group. Having the same support system can also give you an outlet to vent out your frustrations. Thus, you’ll be able to deal with hardships and the stress that goes with them.


It is ironic to see that science confirming that religion comes with benefits. However, several studies have already proven it. If you are facing tough times and you need a way to relieve your stress, you might want to consider learning a few business problems prayer benefits.  Business problems prayer benefits might not directly solve business problems. However, business problems benefits can give you the support that you need in order to act towards solving them.

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