As you may know, grounding involves the process by which your body connects to the earth. In order to experience grounding benefits, one must walk outside on the sand, concrete, grass, soil, or ceramic tile. This is one of the easiest ways of how to do earthing. However, it’s not just people that assure how beneficial earthing is. in fact, many grounding studies managed to prove its qualities on the human health, which is a topic we’ll discuss today. But, let’s take it slow.
Mounting evidence implies that the Earth’s surface has a limitless supply of electrons. When there’s a preservation of negative potential, the internal bioelectrical environment stabilizes to ensure the body is functioning. Research shows that connecting to the earth’s electrons can have significant health benefits.
This includes improved sleep, reduced pain, immune disorders, and prevents signs of inflammation like redness and swelling. Also, when our body absorbs free electrons, there is a neutralization of free radicals, which reduces chronic and acute inflammation.
The Side-Effects of Modern Technology
Modern lifestyles have separated us from the Earth’s electron flow and experts wonder if this is a major contributor to the health problems we experience today. Today, we mostly wear rubber or plastic soled shoes. This is unlike the past decades where shoes were made from traditional leather that promoted grounding. Also, electromagnetic radiation from devices like microwaves and mobile phones deter this contact.
Recently, various grounding systems are being used to enable frequent contact of our bodies with the earth. They include conductive systems in form of mats, sheets, and wrist/ankle bands.
Grounding Studies
As far as grounding studies are concerned, a direct contact with the earth can greatly improve health. While there are countless grounding studies that back up this practice, and some which claim that earthing or grounding could have negative effects.
Below are some scientific grounding studies:
Grounding Studies on Sleep
A research done to determine the effect of earthing during sleep showed that it helps to normalize the cortisol levels. The research reported that the cortisol levels were high during the day and low at night. As a result, most participants reported improved sleep, and they were able to wake up feeling rested.
Grounding on Inflammation and blood circulation
The objective of the study was to determine the effects of earthing on blood circulation and inflammation. The participants experienced thermal equilibrium, in order to normalize their body temperature. Then, researchers used a thermal imaging, to measure the subjects’ body temperatures. As stated, heat patterns could signal inflammation in the body.
Pictures of subjects were taken before earthing and after earthing. Based on the findings, grounding or earthing can resolve inflammation. It was also founding that grounding can help improve blood circulation, as well as enhance the autonomic nervous system in body fluids movement.
Grounding helps reduce stress levels and Tension; Clinical applications
The study dealt with uncovering earthing’s effects on emotional stress, nervous system health, and the hearts rate variability (HRV). Researchers placed a conductive adhesive patch on the sole of participants, connected to a grounding rod. They also experienced plenty of unearthed conditions. The subjects were allowed to rest and relax during the session but not meditate.
After earthing, almost half of the participants reported a shift in their autonomic nervous system. This means their nervous systems were way calmer than before. The study also concluded that earthing helped attenuate the stress response and support the heart rate variability.
Earthing Reduces Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
The study aimed to study the effects of grounding on the body voltage in the presence of AC electrical EMFs. The 50 participants had to touch a desk lamp with their left hand while unearthed. Then. they had to repeat the same procedure while earthed. The study involved measuring their body voltage.
The study concluded that grounding could have significant effects on AC electrical EMFs. This is so as the body voltage decreased during the earthing process.
Effect of Grounding on Pain and Muscle Soreness
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of earthing on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and pain. For this pilot study, eight participants experienced grounding on conductive beddings. Half of the mattress pads connected to the earth ground outside their bedroom windows, while others were not grounded.
Additionally, researchers placed earthing patches in the gastrocnemius muscles in the legs of the participants. Enzymes and blood markers were compared after the study. Finally, the study concluded that earthing can change the immune system. As a result, this may lead to fast DOMS recovery and pain relief.
So, Does it Really Work?
Until now, there are many psychological and overall health benefits that can accrue from grounding/earthing. It really pays to go outside and spend some time barefoot on the sand, soil, beach, and dirt. Various earthing grounding studies done show that grounding can reduce signs of inflammation, improve quality of sleep, reduce chronic pain, reduces electric fields induced in the body and offer speed recovery for DOSM. So Yes, Earthing does work.
Final Thoughts
Numerous scientists have done grounding studies with the aim to determine its benefits and answer the question ‘does earthing really work?’ Above are summaries of some of the studies and the results after each study. These studies support the claim that grounding leads to overall body wellness. And not just that, but it helps reduce pain, inflammation, and insomnia.