How to Reduce Chronic Pain with EFT Tapping

EFT for chronic pain

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), also known as psychological acupressure or tapping, has been around since the 1990s. But, because of its share of skepticism, it has not been as accessible or heard of as other kinds of pain-relieving techniques. However, did you know that EFT for chronic pain is a superb substitute treatment?

Mostly used for physical discomforts and emotional pain, tapping therapy is founded on Chinese acupressure combined with cognitive psychology. It has since been developed by an engineer from California – Gary Craig, based on “Thought Field Therapy” (TFT), which was a discovery of Dr. Roger Callahan, a psychologist.

Craig then improved TFT and used more straightforward tapping sequences that are effortless to learn for patients; this is known now as EFT or Tapping. Below, let’s get into what makes EFT for chronic pain so effective.

Who Can use EFT Tapping?

Even though there is still a lot of research ongoing about this topic, EFT or Tapping is continuously being used for relieving chronic body pains, anxiety, headaches, migraine, or treat people with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Some people who suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) also opt to venture with EFT Tapping as part of their emf protection as they are not prescribed with any medical treatments that are chemically-related.

But basically, anyone who feels chronic pains can try and explore how tapping works and what wonders it can do for your body.  

EFT for Chronic Pain- How Does It Work?

Based on The Discovery Statement by Gary Craig, when the body’s energy system crashes, it becomes the cause of all negative emotions, and these are one of the significant contributors to pain. Thus, the key is restoring balance to your body’s energy system.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, meridians are the pathways that the body’s energy system travels to. Tapping the meridian points (also known as energy hot spots) stimulates the body’s energy system. When you do it while addressing the root cause mentally or verbally, the blocked energies are released; thus, relieving you from pain.

5 Ways to Use EFT for Chronic Pain Relief
  1. SUD (Subjective Units of Distress) Level Assessment

When using tapping to relieve pain, you have to acknowledge the issues and fears associated with this. This is because you’ll be asked to focus on your chronic pain and how this is affecting your life.

Once done, assess the intensity level of your pain on a scale of one to ten, ten as the highest, and zero as the lowest.

You can also identify what you want to tap on as tapping for knee pain or tapping for hip pain, shoulder pain, back pain, or even headaches.

  1. Set-up Statement

The next step is setting up a statement that points out the problem or issues you are trying to address; in this case, the chronic pain you’re experiencing. Your account must concentrate on:

  • Recognizing the question you want to deal with.
  • Approving yourself despite the issue at hand.

You can adjust the set-up statement depending on what would be most applicable to the issue you have. For instance, you can say “I fully acknowledge the pain I am experiencing.” Also, remember to only focus on addressing your problem and never someone else’s. This is to ensure that you’re only focusing on yourself and what you’re currently feeling.

  1. Karate Chop Point with the Set-up Statement

Now, starting on your other hand’s Karate Chop point, tap it with four fingers while reciting the Set-up Statement aloud three times. After that, inhale deeply.

Karate Chop point (KC) is the small intestine meridian, which is on your thumb’s opposite side, your hand’s outer edge.

  1. Tapping Sequence

To continue, while you repeat your Set-up Statement, tap five to seven on these eight points as sequenced below:

  1. (EB) Eyebrow point – where your eyebrows begin, the part closest to your nose bridge
  2. (SE) Side of the eye – the bone right outside either of your eyes
  3. (UE) Under the eye – the bone right under either of your eyes
  4. (UN) Under the nose – the spot right above your upper lip
  5. (CP) Chin point – it’s the area right above your chin
  6. (CB) Collarbone point – an inch down where your collar bones meet and out by another inch on either side
  7. (UA) Under the Arm point – roughly four inches underneath your armpit; for girls, right on your bra line.
  8. (TH) Top of the Head point – precisely on your head’s crown

Again, inhale deeply.

  1. Second SUD Level Assessment

Once you’re done with 1 session, check your levels of pain. Compare your current pain to the pain you’re experiencing before a round of tapping. If you think there are no changes, do it again. Depending on your 2nd SUD assessment, you can keep doing round after round based on your specific issues.

Remember though that tapping alone won’t eliminate the chronic pain you’re experiencing. You have to have multiple sessions and primary treatment plans to fully remove the pain you’re having.

EFT for Chronic Pain: Conclusion

EFT or tapping is a self-help therapeutic method based on scientific and study evidence. Nevertheless, there is still limited knowledge regarding its physiological effects. Thus it’s always best to consult your physician for other treatments that would suit you.

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