How to Implement a Business Gratitude Strategy at the Workplace?

Business gratitude strategy

Saying “thank you” is something that business don’t particularly care for. Oftentimes, business leaders are too focused on their work that they forget to weave gratitude in their business strategies. They fail to see that implementing a business gratitude strategy is one of the ways to create a successful company. Without a business gratitude strategy, employees will feel unappreciated, clients won’t trust the business, and business partners will feel neglected.

People generally want to be appreciated. The same goes for your employees, clients, and business partners. So incorporating a business gratitude strategy must become part of your business concept.

The Value of Creating a Business Gratitude Strategy

First, gratitude as a business strategy means making sure your people are happy and well-appreciated. When it comes to your clients, making them feel happy is one of the best ways to gain their loyalty. While this may sound simple, gratitude is a small act that has a big impact towards people. For that and more, gratitude represents a valuable business strategy.

  • Gratitude fosters loyalty.

You want to gain the loyalty of your clients. Business would flourish if customers keep coming back. Having a business gratitude strategy can make them feel important. Thanking them is a small act of showing that you appreciate their patronage. For instance, some businesses offer a big sale or a special offer to their clients as a way of expressing gratitude in business. As a strategy, it can improve sales and increase customers.

  • Gratitude creates happy workers.

Starting the day with a “thank you” can make the person’s time lighter and brighter. The importance of gratitude in business is immeasurable. As a business leader, showing gratitude towards your subordinates can create a healthy relationship. Of course, this will motivate them to become more productive.

  • Gratitude invites trusted partners.

Having trusted partners is very essential in business. As a good leader, one must not forget to inculcate gratitude in the workplace. It does not just sound polite, but it also sets an optimistic mood among employees. When speaking with potential business partners, being thankful is one of expressing gratitude examples. Also, show them that they are important to the team to gain their trust.

6 Ways to Express Gratitude in the Workplace

Studies show that grateful, happy people are more productive than those who are not. There are a lot of positive traits that make a person a good leader and worker. However, when people are grateful for their actions, their positive traits can further develop with ease.

The same goes in a corporate world. Employees and clients are productive and effective when they feel comfort and easygoingness at the workplace. If satisfaction is lacking, performance will be low. Therefore, gratitude is an important attitude that drives people to work and serve. As such, it has to become a regular practice at the workplace. So, here are the 6 ways to help you express gratitude in the workplace.

  1. Be an example.

Be a person who shows that gratitude comes from within. As you know, leaders must be the role model toward his subordinates. As a leader, you must always show the attitude of appreciation. Once employees see this, they will follow along and do the same. This is how gratitude is cultivated in the workplace.

  1. Be genuine in saying thanks.

Gratitude for business can be done by saying the words sincerely. Take time to thank your people for their effort. A simple thanks can already tell them that you totally appreciate their efforts. Also, be sincere when you utter the words. A sincere “thank you” leads to a sincere workforce.

  1. Make your message specific.

Aside from being sincere, personalize your message when thanking someone. A generic comment is akin to an insincere thanks. Get to know your employees and their job in the company. Knowing them will make it easy for you to create an authentic “thank you” message for them.

  1. Provide gifts or incentives.

Business gratitude can be done is so many ways. In the corporate world, giving gifts or incentives to employees is one of expressing gratitude examples. For your hardworking staff, give them something they deserve. It may be a bonus, a trip, or a simple mug. Any form of incentive will make them work better in the future. As a result, this will lead to motivation in other employees. Consecutively, this will promote a greater productivity.

  1. Be consistent.

Begin by expressing gratitude every day. Some leaders think gratitude should follow only if someone achieved something big. Surely, this should not be the case. Instead, thank someone even for his small achievements. Thereafter, your employees will see that you are not turning a blind eye to their contributions.

  1. Promote gratitude in the workplace.

As the business leader, foster a sense of gratitude. Encourage them to be grateful every day. Tell them the importance of gratitude in business. Furthermore, show to them that good results oftentimes go hand in hand with sincere appreciation.


Gratitude is a valuable business strategy. One cannot deny how powerful it is to often say “thank you” to someone. This small action gets rid of the negativity at work and promotes satisfaction and productivity. Being smart and hardworking may be important to lead a business. However, it is also essential to cultivate a culture of contentment and compassion.