Introducing Ayurvedic Fasting as the Perfect Body Cleanse

ayurvedic fasting

There are different types of fasting. But, the most effective one depends on a person’s lifestyle and preference. This said the benefits of fasting can also vary from one person to another. One of the most popular fasting methods is the Ayurvedic fasting. This is traditionally done to keep the body clean and healthy. If you want to know how compatible you are with Ayurvedic fasting, you have to know what it is first.  

What is Ayurvedic Fasting?

The Ayurveda system believes that there’s a clear link between health and fasting. Fasting is said to be a universal cure for many kinds of illnesses. Ayurvedic fasting, for instance, is a way to awaken the digestive fire and remove harmful toxins from the mind and body. As a result, it cleanses the body and enhances mental condition.

Ayurveda fasting promotes consistent and short-term fasts rather than a long-term one. One could set a specific day in a week or probably a few days on a month to skip meals. This all depends on how much cleansing one needs.  

According to Ayurveda, spring is the perfect time for purification. The toxins accumulated during the winter will be liquefied due to the increasing temperatures. The main goal is to eliminate the Kapha or the oily and dry substances in the body. One way to do this is through Panchakarma regimen or through consuming Kapha-reducing food.

As one approach of Intermittent Fasting, Ayurveda also suggests taking a sip of hot water every half an hour. One can also add a ginger if they want a spicy fragrance. Liquids are very important in Ayurveda fasting. Taking vegetable soups or fruit juices is advisable.

How to Do Ayurvedic Fasting

Choosing the right method of fasting should be done appropriately. You should consider your mental and the stomach strength and your eating habits. Remember that consulting an expert must be done first before engaging in a fast.

The first step to fasting is to start getting rid of unhealthy foods. These include sugars, carbohydrates, fats, meats, GM food, fast food, leftovers, and alcohol. Fasting starts when you can successfully remove these foods from your body. Here are ways on how to do the Ayurveda Fasting:

  1. Decide on the fasting time.

Observe a day when you wake up tired and with a swollen tongue. This is an indication that you can do fasting. Do a water fast or take simple and light food until the swelling of the tongue subsides. If you experience any indigestion like burping or bloating, then this is a sign that you need to give your stomach a break. Also, fasting during a stressful situation is necessary to do. Some people choose a holiday for fasting. Whatever it is, most experts would recommend a day of fasting in a week.

  1. Get to know your dosha.

Short fasting is a large part of Ayurveda. Fasting once a week or a month helps keep the body clean and balanced. When doing fasting, one must know and appreciate their dosha first. There are three types of dosha, and each has their own fasting method. Knowing your Dosha will help you determine which food and liquid to take in.

  • Fasting for Pitta

The Pitta type is fond of occasional power trip. They like to eat huge amounts of food. Fasting for Pitta dosha is challenging since they have a strong digestion. The Pitta type can have a fast of sharp and bitter vegetable juices. They can do fasting for no more than three days. However, when the season changes, Pittas can fast for more than three days. If the fasting does not go well, eat kitchari or take in fennel tea.

  • Fasting for Vata

Vatas like to nibble and snack for the whole day. They like to rest most of the time while enjoying a good snack. In Ayurveda fasting vata, a water fast is not recommended. A two-day fasting is not good either. They can start a 12-24 hour fasting. If the vata dosha is physically fit, they can have vata-pacifying food like orange, mango, or grape juice. They can also drink teas with ginger, salt, and lime.

  • Fasting for Kapha

The Kapha type can devour three pieces of cake. Healthy kaphas can do fasting more frequently. They can enjoy a three-day fasting without ruining their digestive system. Kapha fasting can be done with a liquid fasting such as hot water or lemon and honey. It is advisable for them to do fasting every once in a while. 

Things to remember when doing Ayurveda and Intermittent Fasting:

  1. Choose how long your fasting is.
  2. Eat a lot during lunchtime and a small amount of food during breakfast and dinner.
  3. Eat when you are starving.
  4. CCF (cumin, coriander, and fennel) tea is advisable for everybody.
  5. If you have chosen a once a week fasting, choose one regular day to do it.
  6. Feeling tired or light-headed is a good indication of fasting and will soon pass.
  7. Meditating is also very essential.
How to End Ayurvedic Fasting

Knowing how to break a fast Ayurveda is important. As soon as you finish, do not go back directly to your usual diet. Doing so might upset your stomach. Here are few tips to break a fast Ayurveda:

  • Have a small amount of hot cereal for your breakfast.
  • For lunch, choose a light and easy to digest the meal.
  • Have the same amount of time to prepare, fast and ending it. That means a day of fasting also needs a day of a light meal and a day before eating solid food.

It is natural to have cravings right after fasting. However, this time, you are more attracted to healthier food. After all, one can enjoy the benefits of fasting.


Ayurvedic fasting is not an easy way to improve the body condition better. However, with proper guidance and medical assistance, the benefits of fasting will be experienced by that individual. Just remember to ask a doctor before doing an intermittent fasting.


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